Managed Fediverse Hosting Is All We Do

We optimize and bundle services to save you time and money.

The Fediverse Is A Fresh Start For Social Media

Decentralized social networking protocols like Activity Pub let users escape the walled gardens of traditional social media websites and take full control of their online presence and data.

Managing a server isn’t for everyone, let alone managing a server for a large number of services.

That’s why we’re here. Fedihost makes it easy to get on the fediverse for regular people. Our prices are reasonable and your data is fully downloadable and portable.

Our Customers

If you are a group of friends, a business, or a curious individual you can be up and running in minutes on Fedihost.

Check out Canadian Civil: A a content creator community using fedihost to run a peertube and mastodon instance. These Canadian reformers teamed up to get themselves a presence in the Fediverse. Our dedicated Peertube encoders made short work of a combined back catalog of over 1000 videos.

Our Team

We’re just a couple of true believers who saw a need for fediverse infrastructure after learning the hard way how difficult fediverse services can be to setup.

Our team consists of Victor Dyotte and Paige Saunders with the help of a couple of friends and contractors. We’re headquartered in Montreal, a prominent location on the fediverse map.

So, what are you waiting for?